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537169_303738283098295_1035136806_nWhen emergencies and disasters occur, the loss of critical communications circuits due to outages and/or overload is highly probable. It is to be expected that during major disasters, emergency service workers and communications circuits will be overwhelmed, potentially leaving some areas without services for days. Trained volunteers will be needed to help fill the void in communications.


MESAC members provide voice, video, and data communications during emergencies and for selected community events. When activated, MESAC provides emergency communications support, handling communications between Critical Field Incidents and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), the Orange County Sheriff’s RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) station and various public-safety agencies, and local Orange County cities, while reporting observed situations and conditions to the EOC or Command Post via Amateur Radio.

Members are trained in Emergency Management procedures utilizing the FEMA National Incident Management System (NIMS). Active participation in drills, training sessions, and real time communication opportunities assist in keeping skill levels at a high degree of competence.

Not all is work, sometimes we just have fun. The annual July Dinner/BBQ brings the members together in a non-formal setting to enjoy good food and each other. The annual Holiday Dinner is another way we come together for fun, a meal, and to enjoy ourselves in a festive environment.