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Revised: Oct. 29,2022

Note to Net Controllers: Please confirm “Good Signal” or “issues you hear with the signal”, or “Nothing Heard”. The Net Member responding may have no idea there is an issue with their equipment, unless you call “Nothing Heard”. Also try to come up with a question Radio, MESAC, or Emergency Response related, for each net, that requires a bit more than a yes or no answer. Not too complex an answer, to keep it moving, but we want the Net Members to talk on the radio more that just their Name/Call sign. First Names and Call signs Only – No last names please.

LOOK UP DATE of Next meeting for closing comments below!

Good evening, this is (Name and Call Sign) for the Mesa Emergency Service Amateur Communications weekly net, serving the city of Costa Mesa. Is there any emergency or priority Traffic on this frequency?

(Unkey for beep – and listen for a moment)

We begin this net by calling our MESAC Board Members with their function’s news.

After board member news, we ask for any other stations news or announcements.

The MESAC active member roll call then takes place, followed by our MESAC auxiliary member’s roll call.

(Unkey for beep)

followed by visitors or guests interested in joining MESAC.

Visitors, the tone is 100 hertz, positive offset.

(Unkey for beep)

Next, we open the net for late or missed MESAC members to check in, followed by visitors, guests, or anyone interested in joining MESAC.

Visitors, the tone is 100 hertz, positive offset.

We ask everyone to quick‐key your check‐in, not waiting for the tone, which sounds like this — (Unkey for beep) — to speed up roll call.

Let’s now begin with MESAC leadership and their reports, beginning with MESAC Chief Radio Officer, (Name/Call Sign)

(Continue down MESAC net roster list of stations, listing board members by name, call, and their function)

Board Members
Ashley Fisher /Chief Radio Officer KM6UJD
Malachi Clark /Acting VP Ops– KN6SUZ
Joe Orrico /VP Technology– WB6HRO
George Berg /VP Logistics– KN6MYV
Keith Manahan /VP Admistration – KK6GLQ
Ray Ott /Board Member At Large– KK6WYD
Neal Leiman /Board Member At Large– KM6YY

Any other Station(s) with News for the net? (after a station reports, ask for others until no response)

Active Members     (non-Board)
Gordon West – Chief Radio Officer Emeritus – WB6NOA
Ray Schwandt – KI6AGK
Ron Eggars – KA6RWK
Marcus Mackenzie – KM6ANN
Galel Fajardo – KD6AYP
Greg Landers – KE6DAN
Tam Nguyen – KN6QEE
Debbie Thompson – KN6OWG
Coach Blair – Chief Radio Officer Emeritus – KE6TTX
Colleen Blair – KE6TTY
Rick Clift – KF6WEP
Dennis Litton – KI6WJZ
Karl Koenig – KE6YZT


Auxiliary Members
Robert Potter – WA6CEL
Ron Allerdice – WA6CYY
Thomas Parkes ‐‐ KI6DDB
Henry Da Silva– KI6EXG
Keith Raffel ‐ W1OLB
John Luyster – KF6OUI
Jack Casey – K6PKA
Matthew Eimers – KI6RBX
Diane Hill – KG6WBN
George Thompson – N6WJZ
Mary Ara – KK6WXR
Don Haddock KN6QDV


Applicant Member
Robert Horlick – KN6VIO

Late or Missed Members/AUX (any others)

Visitors/Guests (any others)

Frequent Guest List:

AD6OI Heiko
AI6WEM Mike Lake Elsinor
K04SSR Santa Ana Mike – Yaesu with Whip Antenna
K6BNS Turlis
KC6TWS Peter
KD6ZWK Paul Costa Mesa
KG6IBN Andy McQuune Costa Mesa?
KG6IVN Andy Costa Mesa
KG6MIV Brian Tustin
KK6OEX Fountain Valley
KK6WGY Edward CM
KM6KCK Charlie HB
KM6MVN Mark Costa Mesa
KN6GPF Joe CM Baker Bristol
KN6INN John Costa Mesa
KN6NFM Wes from Tustin Ranch
KN6OVX Kelly Costa Mesa
KN6SOJ Menefee, CA Fernando
KN6TMP Escher
N6JSV Jeff
N6SWT John Costa Mesa
N6TVZ – Tom – Costa Mesa
WE6ACS Laguna
KN6USN Costa Mesa

We thank you all for your participation in the MESAC Weekly Net, and The City of Costa Mesa for Hosting our repeater and making this all possible. Remember MESAC meetings are open to the public, the Next Regular MESAC Monthly Meeting is scheduled for (OCT 26, 2022). If you would like to join our meeting please go to ( and check our calendar for event times. If you click your mouse on the meeting on the calendar it will give you information. Our meetings start at 1830, or 6:30pm and are normally in the Costa Mesa Police Department Emergency Operations Center – Located at 99 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.

Last Call for Any further Check-ins, questions, news or comments at this time?

I will now close this Net, and return the repeater to it’s normal operations. This is (Name and Call Sign) I will be standing by on this channel for about 5-10 minutes.

Do Not Call – Inactive Member
Patti Shannon – KJ6CPI
Mike Sisco – KJ6VQY
HB Corcorran – W5BYG
Bear Loya ‐ KK6ILM
Tom Ceccarini – KE6ANU
Jim Huff – K6AAJ
Lee Place – KM6ULS
Laura Mackenzie – KM6ANM
Mark Eskridge – KD6MVN
John Susman – KG6EHK
Jeff Van Ness – N6JSV
Joy Williams – K6JOY
John Quishair – KN6INN
Eric Bowen – W6RTR
Patrick Williams /Chief Radio Officer– KJ6PFW
Dave Zielienskie – KJ7UE (Debbie)
Mark Jeffries – N6JCQ
Mary Tengdin – KM6ROU