Protected: Activation
MESAC Member Activation Guidelines
A MESAC Activation requires an Activation Request by an official of the City of Costa Mesa (An official includes any person employed by the city of Costa Mesa in, or acting in, a management or supervisory position, regardless of city department affiliation).
The Activation Request should go through the MESAC Duty Officer or the MESAC Officers listed in the city’s MESAC call-out list by telephone, Amateur Radio, or in person. In the event that these persons are not available, a MESAC member may take the request and must follow the guidelines below.
The person receiving the MESAC Activation Request must record the date, time, nature of the request, and the name, title, and department of the person making the request. If a MESAC member is required at the incident site, obtain the location and name of the city official to report to. Obtain any special approach instructions or safety concerns for arriving at the incident site as well as the expected duration of assignment if known.
After a MESAC Activation Request has been received an attempt must be made to notify at least one MESAC Officer in this order.
- President-Chief Radio Officer
- Vice President – Operations
- Vice President – Logistics
- Vice President – Technical Support
- Vice President – Administration
- Board Member At-Large
A MESAC Officer shall determine what level of response is required, authorize a MESAC call-out, and determine assignments.
In the event that a MESAC Officer can not be located, a Member may proceed with an activation following all MESAC procedures and must continue to try to notify a MESAC Officer and turn over responsibility to them when located.
Only MESAC Members who have been requested and assigned shall respond to an incident location. Any Member reporting to an incident location must be in full uniform and wearing their city identification card.
Safety of MESAC Members shall remain top priority, and they shall not be sent into, or proceed into, hazardous situations.