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MESAC At The Costa Mesa Scarecrow Festival

MESAC participated in the Costa Mesa Scarecrow Festival Oct. 17 & 18, 2015, at Goat Hill Junction. Visitors to our booth learned more about how MESAC assists with emergency communications in times of need. Adjacent to our info booth was a group of Scouts operating ham radios for the worldwide JOTA (“Jamboree On The Air”), an annual scouting event involving ham radio communications.



Members of the Mesa Emergency Service Amateur Communications (MESAC) attended the Road Show on Friday night, Sept. 4, 2015, displaying ham radio communications equipment that may be used in a City emergency. Also displayed was vintage police radio equipment, a classic communications Road Show vehicle, plus state of the art digital radio equipment and ham radio mapping gear. Just look for the antennas!

MESAC Demos Emergency Communications At National Night Out Event

MESAC manned a booth at the Costa Mesa Police Department National Night Out event on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 at 5:00 PM in the Target parking lot at 3030 Harbor Blvd. The booth was manned by MESAC members and displayed various radios used in emergency communications. The MESAC members answered many questions about Ham Radio and our role in assisting the Costa Mesa Police Department during times of emergency. There was great interest from the community about the role of MESAC in assisting the Costa Mesa Police Department with emergency communications.

Costa Mesa Police Chief Rob Sharpnack visits MESAC booth at National Night Out on August 4, 2015.




Costa Mesa Police Chief Rob Sharpnack and Gordon “Gordo” West at the MESAC booth.


July Dinner at Blair’s

The MESAC July 2015 meeting, was once again be at Coach and Colleen Blair’s. As alwaus. we had a great turn out, as seen in this photo of very serious eaters from the 2014 summer festivities at the Blair’s (everyone was smiling before and after this picture).


Busy Field Day Setup

Friday 6/26/2015 was a busy day setting up antennas and equipment. The fun starts Saturday at 1100 hours and continues for 24 hours.


Important 2015 Field Day Bulletin From Gordo

All hands , Gordo will be setting up for 10 meters , 6 meters , 2 meters , and 432 MHz . All modes , lots of antennas , some vertical , some horizontal . EVERYONE invited to use the systems. This will allow me to feed 12 VDC to each rig INSIDE the tent area , where most of the gear will be set up for ALL to use . The van will have lots of 12 VDC + solar , inverter , and generator IF we need it for AC . Lots of long cords to reach just inside the south end of the tents .

Field Day 2015: 6/26 – 6-28

As we write this, Field Day 2015 is only a few short days ahead. MESAC is planning a great event and all hams and non-hams are invited!

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