Who We Are
Mesa Emergency Service Amateur Communications (MESAC) is an auxiliary communication unit of the Costa Mesa Police Department (CMPD) and operates under the Office of Emergency Management (OEM). Volunteer Members are FCC licensed Amateur Radio Operators dedicated to serving the community and the public in the event of emergencies and disasters. Members also frequently participate in non-emergency city and community activities where portable communications capabilities are necessary. Members are registered as Disaster Service Workers under the State of California Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program
Members are volunteers of the City of Costa Mesa, but can provide mutual aid to other Cities, Counties, or the State of California. Members are classified as Disaster Services Workers and function primarily as radio operators under the jurisdiction of the Costa Mesa Police Department. In this capacity, members provide additional communications capabilities to the City Emergency Services departments using amateur radio frequencies in support of and separate from the Countywide Coordinated Communications System (CCCS).
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